A web portal is a one single destination for various sources of information, each interconnecting with each other and thus providing the end user, a cluster of information which seems personalized in nature.
The web portal fetches the required data from multiple sources all over the internet which makes it ideal for a large scale business setup company.
A web portal is not only just a search engine which shows search results, rather than that, it also has add-on features like news listing, articles listing, weather reports, stock market analysis, etc.
A web portal developer always knows what to keep in mind while developing a portal that what it takes to build a successful and captivating portal which satisfies all the demands of the clients and which works seamlessly and flawlessly.
Many a times while fetching the information from multiple sources actually the portal system comes crashing down. The experienced web portal developers at our company PixelAtom Web Developers with the expertise and skills through constant and varied work have aced the art of developing a web portal.
The portal development of various kinds such as matrimonial, real estate, employment, directory, news, magazine travel or any other category, we possess such standards of professionalism and work culture that is unparalleled and unmatched. Give us a chance to work with you and we will provide you with exceptional services at feasible rates with no compromise on quality.

Web Portal Development Company In India

B2B web portals are a powerful source for displaying the products and the entire chain of suppliers and buyers under one roof. The B2B portals have helped automate the products of all categories and services imaginable. The development of these portals has given small and medium business enterprises to get involved in the trade and expand their operations. It is unrealistic and impractical to assume that every business setup would be having stupendous financial resources at their disposal to brand and market their products. B2B web portals over the years have emerged as one of the most effective solution to the problem of a valid platform. The access to a monolithic type of database consisting of potential buyers and sellers can be put to use by the help of a B2B portal.
We at PixelAtom Web Developer have our core team at your disposal who shall look into your specific and customized demands and develop an ultraefficeint and utilitarian B2B portal that meets your demands and also the layout is captivating enough for users and potential clients to visit your website often while not compromising on quality.

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B2B Portal Development

The directory portal is utilized in order to generate a database into a systematic format. The contact numbers are mentioned with a proper index and it is categorized accordingly. The directory is still useful within the city and the database is effective when used in the most efficient manner. A proper directory portal not only contains the contact numbers of the parties, rather it also displays the advertisements of the concerned businesses and service providers. The online web directory also gives an option to the server holder to change or edit the information to be uploaded. A proper server client to end user program is generated for the usage of the clients. We at PixelAtom Web Developer with our team of proficient web portal developers look forward to serve you with our knowledge and expertise that we have acquired through the training and successful projects in the years since our inception in 2007. Give us a chance to work with you and you shall get the amazing results in furtherance.

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Directory Portal Development

In these times of rising competition and severity, it is quintessential to look for the employment and it is equally important for the employers to search for a suitable profile. The job portals have grown in significant numbers over the years and it becomes extremely difficult to mark a strong and distinguished presence as the designs and features are unanimous for every other job portal. For the facility of the client, it is of utmost importance that a suitable and utilitarian design should be chosen in order to develop a successful job portal. The registration of candidates, uploading of the CV, details to be mentioned and the expected salary ballpark figure to be displayed, there are certainly many aspects to be considered while developing a job portal. We, at PixelAtom Web Developer, have a plethora of services to offer. The secret to developing a utilitarian and efficient job portal lies in the brilliant minds of our core team who are consistent in their efforts to deliver elfin results. We do not pursue success, rather we pursue excellence. The satisfaction of our clients is our paramount review system and we have a large clientele base due to our sheer professionalism and dedication. Give us a chance to work with you and we will show that excellence has an address this time.

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Job Portal Development

The search for a bride/groom is not only restricted to social connections and the age old priest’s recommendation but it has now expanded its reach to the web portals. The systematic database of the users, uploaded on the portal with the required information displayed in the profile makes it easier and compact for the interested parties to indulge themselves into a successful matrimonial alliance. The privacy of the profiles is paramount and the viability to choose from multiple profiles on the portal is something that makes matrimonial web portals a fad amongst the present generation. We understand your concern regarding the choice of the life partner and with due prominence we along with our core team at PixelAtom Web Developer have made distinguished efforts to create a user-friendly and ultraefficeint matrimonial web portal that shall serve the end users and also the privacy is well maintained. The addition of the sub-categories and the mention of specific details can also be made as customization is our strong forte. Give us a chance to work with you and we promise exceptional results with stellar performance of the portal with no compromise on quality.

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Matrimonial Portal Development

The times have come where the news on paper is slowly being replaced by the news on web. The articles on internet have far more viewership than the ones in the magazine. The publishing, authentication of the news on web portal is quicker and faster than the one in the paper. The publishing of the news and articles can be done at any given time by the admin or the publisher by obtaining a unique id and password. The diverse genre of the e-news is something that is alluring and captivating as more and more people after gaining access to the internet have shifted over to the news on portal. At PixelAtom Web developer we have our core team to proficient web portal developers who look into the latest designs and patterns and design a portal that is one of a kind with impeccable results. Our portal design is a perfect blend of codes and creativity that can fetch information from multiple sources at lightning fast speed without the server crashing. We have looked into the general problems and issues faced by the other web portal users and we along with our team have come up with the perfect solution for the same. Give us a chance to work with you and we will impart such a level of professionalism that is unparalleled.

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News/Magazine Web Portal

In this modern era teaching and learning pattern has also changed. E-Learning is virtual learning method without help of any mentor or guide. We help to build a enterprise level E-Learning system portal in India. Any student can easily learn any subject out of classroom with the help of e-learning web portal. However, with the transition in technology large numbers of people admire this system. It has so many features and functionality which is useful for students as well as parents and teachers. E-Learning system is a platform where students can easily revise their courses and solve each queries without any mentor. E-Learning is cost effective solution compare to traditional learning and teaching methods. There are so many pros and cons of e-learning compare to classroom teaching. We at PixelAtom WEB DEVELOPER provide phenomenal solution for e-learning system development in India

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E-Learning portal development

Travel and tourism is one of the most elegant and ever growing industries in the world these days. The invention of new modes of travelling and the viability of the options available has made it interesting as well as difficult to choose from the available options. The booking of hotel, the search for the cheapest and fastest flight, different facilities that are provided I the packages, the concerned person to contact in case of any queries. The maintenance of options and the requisite details to be mentioned in the case any. In order to establish a name and presence in the travel industry, one needs a strong and comprehensive web portal which speaks volumes about the work profile and the business of the client. The visitors come looking for the details and entire planning to the web portal and when the web portal is appealing, it becomes the client’s asset. We at PixelAtom Web Developer, have a team of efficient developers who give a personal touch to the projects as each project is an opportunity for us to display our expertise and craftsmanship that we possess. We will show you that excellence is personified and you will have the results par excellence.

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Travel Portal Development

When it is feasible to find a home/plot/office or accommodation online, it seems relieving yet unbelievable. The categorization of different localities and places along with amenities and price list is all made available to users at their fingertips. This feature has immensely helped others to find others a proper accommodation and the place to work from. Different real estate web portals have different designs and features as per their requirements. Here we at PixelAtom Web Developers have the option of customization available for our registered clients. We provide the unique and conspicuous web portal design that is appealing to the visitors and which will surely satisfy the clients. Various other options for contact and other essential details are mentioned in the web portal development style that is used by our developers. We impart a level of professionalism that is unseen elsewhere and our services are par excellence.

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Travel Portal Development
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